Titled Dream World, this year’s Members’ Exhibition organised by the Malta Society of Arts (MSA) will showcase works by 35 of its members on the Society’s website and social media platforms. Launched on Monday 1 November, the works will remain online until the 31 December 2021, giving visitors the opportunity to see a multitude of different works in a wide range of media and formats, transforming the online space into a dream-like experience.

“Under normal circumstances, the traditional live Members’ Exhibition would have taken place at our Palazzo de La Salle Galleries,” says MSA’s Assistant Manager Marika Azzopardi, who is also coordinating the project. “However, this year, due to the fact that live curation of the preparatory phase of the exhibition would have been highly challenged by COVID-19 risks, we decided to provide members with an online platform, which will ultimately reach more audiences than in previous editions, including viewers from abroad.”

The theme Dream World was selected to allow the artists to explore a wide array of ideas and experiences related to personal dreams: both sleeping dreams expressing the realms of the subconscious, and/or waking dreams or daydreams, expressing personal as well as social hopes and aspirations, fears and obsessions. The topic provided fertile ground for the minds of the participating member artists, who have created some eclectic works that are not to be missed.

The exhibition is live and may be viewed here: https://artsmalta.org/members-online-exhibition. Participating artists include: Alex Dalli, Allison Bonanno, Anna Galea, Edward Micallef, Elena Degenhardt, Elena Timmtschenko, Elizabeth Munson, Emmanuel Crivat-Ionesco, Fabiola Agius Anastasi, George Cassar, Ian Krause, Jane Micallef, Joanna Azzopardi, Joanna Dounis, Josephine Hili, Josian Bonello, Julian Cini, Louis Sant’Angelo, Manwel Attard, Margaret Farrugia, Mario Zammit-Lewis, Marita Fenech, Mark Cassar, Mary Clare Albanozzo, Matthew Cassar, Michelle Gialanze, Nadine Micallef Grimaud, Nadya Anne Mangion, Nadya Peovska, Rebecca Grima, Robbie Mazzaro, Rosanna Ciliberti, Rossella Dalmas, Sarah Buckle, and Victoria Agius.

The Malta Society of Arts’ Members’ Online Exhibition 2021 can be viewed online from Monday 1 November until Friday 31 December 2021. For more details about the exhibition please visit www.artsmalta.org or www.facebook.com/maltasocietyofarts.