JA Worldwide is proud to announce that the organisation has been nominated for the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize. JAYE Malta, a member of the global JA network, has been serving young people for over 30 years, equipping them with the skillset and mindset to create sustainable businesses, find meaningful employment, and build thriving communities.

Nominations may be received only from heads of state and certain elected officials, university professors in selected fields, past Nobel laureates, and a few other notable individuals. Although the identity of each nominee officially remains anonymous for 50 years, JA Worldwide received permission to share that JA was nominated by a distinguished Professor of Law and International Affairs who was impressed by the organisation’s global reach, success in delivering economic empowerment to youth at scale, and ability to find unity in diversity. For centuries, unemployment and poverty have led to political instability, violence, and war. By economically empowering youth on all continents, JA serves a conduit for peace.

Asheesh Advani, CEO of JA Worldwide, shared his perspective in response to the nomination: “Peace is only possible when youth in all countries and regions have economic empowerment. JA Worldwide is honored to receive this nomination and will continue our work to enable all young people to have the skillset and mindset to build thriving communities. Our primary hope for solving the world’s most complex problems rests in the young people of today who will be the leaders of tomorrow.”

On behalf of all JAYE Malta, Chris Vassallo Cesareo, Chairperson of JAYE Malta, extends his heartfelt congratulations to  colleagues across the JA network on this recognition. “JA Worldwide moves from strength to strength and helps us all believe that we can do more when we work together across boundaries and cultures,” he says.

Matthew Caruana, CEO of JAYE Malta, highlighted that this nomination continues to demonstrate the impact that JA Worldwide and JAYE Malta can have on the participating youth. “The various programmes run by JAYE Malta, such as the Company Programme and the Startup Programme, give youth a new set of skills that complement and enhance their compulsory education,” he notes.