Tamara Webb, Malta’s beacon of balance and self-positivity, has unveiled her brand-new product for all mums-to-be and new mums: Baby Planner by The Balance Queen. This comes hot on the heels of her first foray into the creation of journals – The Balance Queen Journal – which was a resounding success and is still available for sale on www.thebalancequeen.com.
“For many people, there aren’t enough hours in the day to keep up with life, and we’re often left with a feeling of guilt about not managing to do it all,” says Ms Webb, founder of The Balance Queen. “But I think we shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves. Life is all about #balance: that feeling of harmony when you can’t get everything done but you tell yourself that that’s okay!”
Ms Webb created The Balance Queen brand during a period when she was struggling to grow her family and the stress of it all became overwhelming. Needing a distraction, she returned to her product design roots. There she found inspiration and positive purpose. She discovered #balance.
“I know what it’s like to live without balance and I’ve learnt that maintaining it is an ever-evolving voyage of discovery. This is why The Balance Queen’s flagship product was a journal – a simple tool to inspire people to achieve balance through manageable and purposeful planning.” It includes self-care rituals, practical time management and organisation tips, monthly goals, daily tasks, grocery lists, home workouts, healthy recipes, a food planner and Ms Webb’s exclusive to-do list layout.
The product designer also drew on a new chapter in her life to create her latest product – Baby Planner by The Balance Queen – which provides expectant mothers and new mums with a way to prep for their baby’s arrival and first year, and to keep both mum and baby healthy and happy. The planner is inspired by Ms Webb’s own experience of becoming a mother and is a memory keepsake that both mother and child can cherish as a beautiful record of their unique journey.
Covering the four trimesters experienced when becoming a mum (three during pregnancy and the fourth in the first months after the baby’s arrival), Baby Planner offers weekly and monthly diaries, trackers for vitamins and baby’s routines, ideas for healthy meals and snacks, a medical log and a handy due-date countdown. Plus, there is every list a new mum could need, from baby names, cravings and party checklists to the hospital bag, baby’s nursery and a birthing playlist. As well as a full family tree, there is even space to capture those all-important ‘baby’s firsts’ with family and friends.
Together with her Baby Planner, Ms Webb has also launched a new e-commerce site – www.thebalancequeen.com – a one-stop-shop for all her products and a go-to site to help bring balance into one’s life. The new website currently features the baby planner and original journal, but Ms Webb has many innovative collections in the pipeline. In fact, launching in 2021 will be a range of The Balance Queen baby products, the Pixie Rose collection, named after her daughter.
“The product designer in me is bursting to create,” Ms Webb smiles. “More than anything, though, I encourage people to realise that today is the day you should do something for you. Find your #balance, and if my journals can help you kickstart your journey towards bringing balance and a sense of peace into your life, it’s all worth it.”
To purchase The Balance Queen Journal and Baby Planner and to learn more about what’s next for The Balance Queen, visit www.thebalancequeen.com.