The unrelenting hard work of Sponsor Ambassador Marisa Xuereb was instrumental in raising the sum of €15,000 during 2019 for Beyond the Moon. This Belgian charity offers families with a sick child hope for better times and more enjoyable moments, thanks to the family holidays it organises.
Corinthia Palace first began its fund-raising efforts for Beyond the Moon back in 2005, and in the fifteen years since has collaborated and contributed greatly to this cause, offering myriad Maltese families the opportunity for a wonderful holiday with their sick children.
The €15,000 was raised from a number of events organised under the guidance of Ms Xuereb. These included a Mother’s Day Fair held in May 2019 at the MFCC in Ta’ Qali; an Extravaganza Night/Charity Auction in November 2019 at Corinthia Palace, and at The Perfect Christmas Gift Fair also held in November 2019 at Montekristo Estates.
“Your contribution enables us to offer more Maltese families with a seriously ill child the opportunity to enjoy a memorable, cost-free vacation in a child-friendly environment and to spend carefree quality time together away from hospitals and treatments,” says Pascale Somers, Vice-President and Manager/Co-Founder of Beyond the Moon. “Unfortunately, because of the current Covid-19 pandemic, these are currently on hold, however we hope we will be able to book family holidays again soon.”
The concerns regarding Covid-19 are echoed by Ms Xuereb. “Locally, we have had to shelve all our fundraising events due to the restrictions introduced. In view of the fluctuating number of positive cases which may be adversely impacted with the winter months ahead, we felt that is not advisable to organise our popular annual fundraising Perfect Christmas Fair in a public setting,” she says.
“We have come up with a ‘Corona-proof’ fundraiser – The Perfect Christmas Gift Fair Online Webshop,” adds Ms Xuereb. “We are inviting local establishments and stall holders to promote their products on our Christmas webshop against a small fee which will be fully donated to Beyond the Moon. The webshop has just been launched and we hope to make it as exciting and innovating for our patrons, in order to help them have a Merry Christmas despite the pandemic, while helping this most noble of charities.”
Any shops or stallholders interested in obtaining further information, about participating The Perfect Christmas Gift Fair – Online Webshop can email Ms Xuereb on The webshop can be found on For more information about Beyond the Moon visit and