As a staggering blend of body percussion and modern music, Soleo is a toe-tapping musical performance from France, which will be presented as part of the dynamic ŻiguŻajg programme that begins in a couple of weeks.

The show brings together three artists, each of whom are multi-instrumentalists and composers. They are Sophie Boucher –on body percussion, bass guitar, guitar, and vocals; Julien Vasnier–on body percussion, guitar, kalimba, and vocals; and Lucie Delmas – on body percussions, keyboards, vibraphone, and vocals. All the original music in the piece is composed by Soleo.

Body percussion is exactly what is described on the ‘tin’: it involves using the body to generate percussive sounds. It may be performed alone, with other instruments, or as an accompaniment to song. It is a discipline that allows a person to be aware of the possibilities of their own body movements, to be able to move and dance, and to take pleasure doing it. The idea is to develop a sense of rhythm and pulsation by feeling weight on ground and to remain at ease and loose whatever happens, from body to mind.

Soleo tells the story of three individuals, who, deeply immersed in their working life, seek to combine dreams and reality, and to change their views on life, until they manage to transcend daily routines.

They stir, they meet, they collide and face their universe with music. Using body percussion together with voices, keyboards and guitars in support of frenzied activity, poetry, humour, and love, this show isa choreographed and dramatised musical encounter ofmusic and movement, laughter and wonder, elsewhere and here. It is a dynamic and explosive performance inviting audiences on an inner journey, giving them the chance to share and to go in search of others.

Soleo is the result of the meeting of three musicians longing to share and learn from one another. The trio explain that each one of them brought their own musical universe, ideas, instruments, experiences and will to blend music and movement around body percussion.

“Our first desire was to build an energetic show, fun and poetic, skilfully blending instrumental music and body percussion,” the team says. “But above all, we want to share and give the opportunity to live an artistic and human experience with different audiences.

They go on to explain that the idea behind Soleo is to encourage people to dream, to feel and to express their emotions, as well as to emanate positive energy and, finally, to bring people to realise their dreams. “We want to show that happiness – as much as unhappiness – greatly relies on the way we choose to live our lives.”

Apart from being artists, Sophieand Julien are also teachers. Although these would appear to be two different jobs,they are at the same time complementary to each other. Both jobs involve research and experimentation – with sounds, phrases and pedagogical methods. They involve the sharing of knowledge with students and audiences.

“The show allows us to go as far as possible in our activity, and teaching helps us to put words to our ideas,” they explain, adding that “teaching also reminds us that the artistic practice is a fundamental social vector and we can think about our artistic job as a ‘living together’ commitment and sharing process. We love to share with the audiences, and discover the artist in each participant.”

Soleo will be performed at the City Theatre, South Street, Valletta on Friday 16 November at 5.30pm; Saturday 17 November at 10am; and Sunday 18November at 10am and at 5.30pmŻiguŻajg is produced by Fondazzjoni Kreattività and will run from 16 to 25 November 2018. For tickets and more information visit