On Tuesday 19 July 2022, Profs. Joseph P. Cassar, recipient of the 2019 Malta Society of Arts’ (MSA) prestigious Gold Medal, donated 15 signed copies of his seminal art history books to the Society. These books form part of the essential reading list in Maltese art history and criticism, and this donation marks Profs. Cassar’s recognition of the Society as an important facilitator for the arts in Malta. The books will form part of the MSA’s extensive library, which the public can access upon request.
On this occasion, Profs. Cassar also donated two of his own original art works on paper, executed in India ink and acrylic on in 2019 and retouched in June 2022. The works portray the freedom and flow of colour and water. They were painted in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Among the books donated by Profs. Cassar are Pioneers of Modern Art in Malta Vol II, Antoine Camilleri: His Life and Works, Carmelo Mangion: His Life and Works, The Art and Life of George Fenech, Conversations with 12 Maltese Artists, Victor, Wendy, John Pasmore: Graphics, Paintings. Photography, Caesar Attard – a BOV Exhibition, Art in Malta Today, and Lawrence Buttigieg: Paintings, among others.
For more details about the Malta Society of Arts please visit www.artsmalta.org, www.facebook.com/maltasocietyofarts or call 21244339.
Photo Caption: Books and paintings donation to MSA – From left Caroline Miggiani MSA Hon. Secretary, Roderick Camilleri MSA Vice President, Profs. Joseph P. Cassar, Joe Scerri MSA Manager.