SportsKidz, an after-hours school that introduces different sports to children, will hold two free-of-charge Demo Days in January.
Malta’s dynamic after-hours sports school SportsKidz will be holding two free demo days in January next year.Parents or guardians and their children can experience the school’s unique sports programme free of charge on 11 and 12 January 2019.
As a new learning concept for Malta launched in October 2018, SportsKidz introduced a variety of sports to children of all abilities aged between three and 16, in order to help build confidence, have fun and encourage a more active, healthy lifestyle.

The project, which has already proven to be a huge success, offers children the unique opportunity to try out 14 different sports, instead of focusing on only one.
“This isn’t just a concept for children who love sports already, but one that will encourage all children to find a sport they enjoy and to be more active,” explains SportsKidz founder Edward Mercieca. “In fact, besides learning about the benefits of an active lifestyle, the children are also encouraged to enjoy playing as part of a team, building self-confidence, communication skills, trust, leadership skills, problem-solving, cooperation, and other life proficiencies that will help them in the future.”

The two free Demo Days mark the start of the school’s second term and are structured as per the rest of the SportsKidz programme. Designed to run alongside the normal academic year – divided into three terms and complementing school hours – SportsKidz is held on Friday afternoons from 4.30pm until 7.30pm at Santa Theresa Secondary School, Triq B. Bontadini, Mriehel, on Saturday mornings from 10am until 1pm at National Sports School, Triq Jum Pembroke, Pembroke, and on Saturday afternoons from 2.30pm until 5.30pm at Mosta Secondary School ta’ Zokrija, Triq il- Biedja, Mosta.
The unique programme caps all classes at 17 pupils and divides groups according to age into six-to-eight years of age, nine-to-11 years and 12+, with each group attending weekly classes lasting three hours. These sessions are structured into three sections, starting with an hour of traditional team sports such as handball, basketball or volleyball, then an hour of individual sports such as gymnastics, athletics or martial arts, before the final hour of team-building activities.
Interested kids, parents and guardians are invited to call 7942 2054 or visit for more information about the SportsKidz programme and the free SportsKidz Demo Days.