A new training and mentorship programme is being developed through a partnership between two of Malta’s top cultural organisations, to boost the entrepreneurial skills of artists and creatives on the island.
The initiative is a collaboration between the Foundation for the Promotion of Entrepreneurial Initiatives (FPEI) and Arts Council Malta (ACM), as part of the ‘Investment in Cultural Organisations (ICO)’ funding programme.
The Entrepreneurship programme for Creatives, Artists and Cultural Managers is aimed at individuals or groups involved in the creative or cultural sectors, to support the growth of these sectors through building entrepreneurial skills.
“We have always stressed that embracing an entrepreneurial mindset is important, but this is especially relevant during this time of crisis and rapidly-changing realities. We also believe in the value and the importance of art, creativity and culture. This initiative marries the two aspects together,” says Matthew Caruana, Manager of ZAAR, Malta’s crowdfunding platform to support local entrepreneurs set up through a collaboration between the FPEI, the Malta Business Bureau (MBB) and the University of Malta. “We hope to help artists and creatives to become more sustainable, both environmentally and financially. Only then will the artists be able to express themselves without any obligations to anyone apart from themselves and their followers.”
Set to launch in April, the programme will include a series of sessions aimed at guiding participants towards a more entrepreneurial mindset within their work or projects, while exploring how they might combine their talents with techniques adapted from the business world. Participants will receive a specialised guidebook, as well as expert training through modules on mentorship, promotion of crowdfunding and setting targets for fundraising in crowdfunding campaigns.
The programme supports the overall objectives of Arts Council Malta, which focus on nurturing creative potential and developing it with professional skills as micro entrepreneurs and freelancers, while increasing community engagement with the arts and supporting alternative sources of funding and investment.
Through the partnership, the funding received by FPEI from ACM will be used to set up comprehensive programmes of sessions and mentoring. Likewise, it will support the organisation of – and engagement of relevant experts to lead – workshops, seminars and educational sessions across a range of topics including project planning, forecasts, sales and marketing, organising green and sustainable events, media handling, funding and grant applications, pitching and e-commerce.
The FPEI is also set to launch an online survey via its website for those interested in taking part in the entrepreneurship programme, to ensure the best possible experience and to deliver the sessions according to their needs.
The FPEI is supported by Arts Council Malta. More information can be found online at www.fpei.mt and www.zaar.com.mt. Creatives interested in participating in the programme may complete the survey at www.fpei.mt/entrepreneurship-for-creatives-survey/.