Be Curious. Find Out. Do Something.
Fashion Revolution Malta forms part of the global movement of Fashion Revolution, which is present in over 100 countries. Their mission is to educate and engage consumers (and all parts of the supply chain) about the social and environmental impacts caused by the fashion industry at large and how their individual choices act as a vote that they wish to see in the world. The aim is to engage in the conversation demand and that the fashion industry become fair, clean and transparent while also considering circular economy principles.
From the 19th till the 25th of April 2021, for the 4th year running, Fashion Revolution Malta will be #WhoMadeMyClothes and will keep on exploring how to make our #LovedClothesLast. With many topics to talk about, this year the focus is going on these 2 main campaigns.
This campaign aims to give consumers a platform to demand that the brands they support make their supply chains more transparent. The campaign encourages consumers to make their voices heard and put pressure on their brands through social media in 3 easy steps.
This pressure on brands, that is rapidly increasing annually, gives a space to brands to work towards cleaning up their supply chains while also engage in transparency, showing us #WhoMadeMyClothes by replying with #IMadeYourClothes.
While we have engaged in this question since 2014, the global pandemic has highlighted how still very relevant the question is to keep on asking, were it brought into stark light just how opaque, precarious and fragile the whole fashion system is structured.
“Some unscrupulous brands and retailers have even used the pandemic as a reason to demand steep discounts for already-placed and future orders, pushing the pandemic’s economic repercussions even further onto their suppliers and the already vulnerable workers throughout their supply chain.” – Out of Sight Report FR, October 2020.
This campaign is set out to shed light on the importance of making our clothes last longer as another way of reducing the alarmingly high environmental impact caused by the fashion industry.
In the last year, Malta has seen a huge increase in alternative shopping options, with 2nd hand or vintage clothing becoming more and more accessible – allowing the lifetime of our clothes to be extended and therefore avoid being dumped in landll. Raising awareness on repairing and maintaining our clothes is another way of making our #LoveClothesLast – prolonging their use life while also avoiding landfill dumping.
Each year, we reach out to the local community sharing the same or similar messages to join in on the conversation during Fashion Revolution Week, to mobilise their audiences to join in on the global campaigns and ultimately be a part of the ever-growing movement. This can be done through the different Call to Actions (asking #whomademyclothes on social media, for example) or even through an event organised by them (like a clothes swap).
This year during Fashion Revolution Week Malta, there will be a nice mix of things happening organised by the FR Malta team, together with some other happenings organised by the local community:
Monday 19th April
Organisers: Earth Guardians Malta
Event: LIVE IG discussion
Social Media Handles: @earthguardians_malta & @fashrev_mlt
EG Malta will discuss about fast fashion vs sustainable. They will also talk about 2nd hand clothing and its potential positive impact on the environment and the power of activism to bring about change.
Tuesday 20th April
Organisers: Fashion Revolution Malta
Event: LIVE STREAMING Sewing session
Social Media Handles: @traynmamocefai & @fashrev_mlt
This is a Tack & Chat session with Taryn Mamo Cefai, where we will be teaching a simple yet effective sewing skill that could really help your #lovedclotheslast.
Wednesday 21st April
Organisers: ReRoot Malta
Event: LIVE IG discussion
Social Media Handles: @rerootmalta & @fashrev_mlt FR
Malta will join in the ReRoot mini-series to discuss the environmental & social impact of Fashion and all that comes with it.
Thursday 22nd April
Organisers: Fashion Revolution Malta
Event: LIVE STREAMING Panel Discussion
Social Media Handles: @vogue_x_ // @thevegboxmalta // thevintagecollection_mt // @inspire.malta & @fashrev_mlt
For the Love of Pre Loved – the rise of 2nd hand & vintage clothing in Malta, its perceptions so far, the positive & potentially negative impacts around the industry and more.
Speakers: Michela Fenech, FR Malta team member & Ashoka Gloabaliser will be hosting the discussion with Emanuela Degiorgio from the Veg Box & The Farmoury, Tonya Lehtinen founder of Vogue Xchange, Laura Besancon founder of the Vintage collection and Clare Galea from Inspire Malta, winners of the SIA awards.