RE/MAX Malta has more than doubled its figures for the first quarter of 2021 when compared to the same three months at the start of 2020 – pre-pandemic.
The figures, which eclipsed those registered in last year’s Quarter One for both sales volume and transactions, mark the success of a comprehensive restructuring exercise at the leading real estate brand. While focusing on retaining quality agents and retraining associates to ensure they remain the best in Malta’s real estate industry, the exercise streamlined the services offered by the RE/MAX Malta team, leaned into the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and refocused on providing quality over quantity.
“This incredible achievement proves once again that RE/MAX Malta continues to lead the local real estate industry, even in the face of adversity such as the pandemic,” says Jeffrey Buttigieg, RE/MAX Malta CEO. “While the global property market has struggled with the challenges of the COVID-19 crisis, we have pivoted, focusing instead on improving quality over quantity across everything that we do – and the results speak for themselves.”
Aside from its ground-breaking impact upon the brand’s results, the restructuring exercise also set a new standard in Malta for agent productivity and expertise. With a fresh focus on training, existing RE/MAX Malta associates benefitted from an intensive virtual training programme delivered daily over nine weeks. Meanwhile, productivity was improved by a further 65 per cent thanks to internal initiatives such as the international Go4More campaign, and the recently launched Golden Circle incentive. This initiative takes place on a quarterly basis, and agents are ranked across various aspects of their role in order to join the coveted Golden Circle – the top 12 per cent of performers in the company.
Technology and innovation likewise remain at the core of the RE/MAX Malta ethos, to ensure that it continues to represent customer service excellence in the industry. After the start of the pandemic in Malta, the brand was the first local agency to introduce virtual viewings and to train agents to offer video property walk-throughs, and it further expanded its market-leading database. Last year’s release of the cutting-edge Onyx Real Estate Management Suite – which was created in-house at RE/MAX Malta – has garnered international interest, while the recent launch of its Fusion app and an exclusive consumer mobile app continue to highlight the brand as the industry’s innovation trailblazer.
“We believe in giving our associates the best of everything, so that they can offer the best service to our customers,” continues Mr Buttigieg. “Our game-changing results are down to the determination and dedication of our agents, combined with the cutting-edge technologies that they have access to. Technology continues to drive the business, both for our associates and for our customers. RE/MAX Malta will continue to set the pace for the real estate industry in terms of innovation, customer service, agent expertise and, as always, quality.”
And there is more to come. As it goes into the second half of the year, the company will commission a national market research exercise on the service standards provided to sellers and buyers in Malta. This investment, which will run in the tens of thousands of euro, is just a part of the company strategy to gauge the sentiments of the current benchmark of service provided to the Maltese public.
“As a socially responsible company, we believe in investing in research to understand the needs of our customers. In this way, we can better understand the gap between our standards and those provided on the market, not to mention consumer expectations. To improve the standards of the industry, we will lead the charge in both investing in and executing processes that are second-to-none and continue to set a benchmark on the Maltese Islands,” the CEO concludes.
More information on RE/MAX Malta can be found online at