RE/MAX Malta wins two of the 10 international awards presented at the real estate giant’s 10th European Convention in Amsterdam.
Multi-award-winning RE/MAX Malta has received yet more international recognition as it was presented with two prestigious awards at the RE/MAX European Convention in Amsterdam last month.
More than 75 RE/MAX Malta affiliates attended the 10th Anniversary RE/MAX European Convention, held at the Beurs van Berlage Convention Centre in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, between 17 and 19 October.
The founders of RE/MAX Europe, Frank Polzler and Walter Schneider, together with CEO Michael Polzler, presented a total of 10 awards at the convention. RE/MAX Malta won two of these awards, namely for the Best Office in Europe for the Last 10 years in Transactions, and for the Best Agent in Europe in Transactions in the Past 10 years, which was presented to local agent Jeff Debattista.
“We are so proud to have won these two incredible awards at this year’s RE/MAX European Convention,” says RE/MAX Malta CEO Kevin Buttigieg. “It just goes to show that, although Malta is one of the smallest regional teams in the global RE/MAX network, the RE/MAX business model works regardless of where you are in the world or the size of population. As always, our results speak for themselves.”

The 2018 convention celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the European Conventions held by RE/MAX. The event aimed to not only celebrate the many past achievements of the world’s fastest-growing real estate franchise, but also to exchange ideas with the best in the industry, build relationships, and innovate for the future.
With two full days of training and networking, the convention offered a unique learning experience for 1,200 real estate professionals from over 50 countries, with more than 80 educational sessions that covered a variety of real estate-specific topics including overcoming the odds, home staging, sealing your business, using videos in real estate, business planning, listing properties, online content creation, entrepreneurship, managing buyers, having a growth mindset, and even winning with millennials.
Key note speakers at the convention included serial entrepreneur and founder of Steli Efti, social entrepreneur Taylor Conroy, RE/MAX Europe CEO Michael Polzler, and Walter Schneider, the co-founder of RE/MAX Europe, Ontario-Atlantic and nine US states – which makes up the equivalent of 35 per cent of all RE/MAX. Inspirational speaker Heather Mills also delivered her speech ‘Inspiration from Within: Overcoming the Odds’ in which she spoke of her story of survival and of defeating adversity in order to succeed in business.
“Once again, the RE/MAX European Convention was an incredible opportunity for our team, which provided unique insight into the real estate world that will continue to set the RE/MAX brand apart. We are so proud to be part of it,” Mr Buttigieg adds.