Sonia is a fan of the environment and all things sustainable. Rather than following what’s on the market, she decided to take matters into her own hands. She is now introducing Snappies, the safe and sustainable alternative to sanitary pads.
Hi Sonia! Can you briefly introduce yourself to our readers?
My name is Sonia, and I am the owner of Hames Sensi, the first 100% organic shop. We were also the first to introduce a zero-waste section in Malta where people can bring their own containers. I have a passion for health and the environment, and my shop reflects the direction I would like to see the world go in.
You are currently in the process of crowdfunding your product “Snappies”. What exactly are Snappies?
Snappies are reusable sanitary pads which differ from the ones already on the market, as they are equipped with snap-on buttons (hence the name) so that they can be fixed in place on the combined undies.
How will your product make women’s periods more comfortable?
I have designed this product on the basis of the feedback I have received from women over the years. The reusable pads already on the market have buttons which snap onto each other, going around the undies. This makes them unstable, and makes some women have to choose between sustainability and comfort. With Snappies, they won’t have to give up either.
How did you come up with the idea for Snappies?
My passion for the environment is what sparks my ideas. This product specifically came to mind as, although we have sustainable options like period cups or panties, some women still haven’t found something that suits them and that is easy to manage like a single use pad.
Snappies are a sustainable alternative to regular pads. How many single-use pads would one be able to replace by using Snappies?
Of course this depends on the flow, but women have declared to use an average of 25 pads or tampons a month, with certain women using up to 40! Considering a minimum duration of five years for Snappies, a woman will save an average of 1500 single-use pads or tampons. It’s incredible to think that women’s sanitary pads generate more than 2 million tonnes of waste per year… that’s the weight of 2 million cars!
Menstrual cups are another sustainable alternative to single-use sanitary products. Can these be compared to and used along with Snappies?
Yes, I am a great fan of menstrual cups. Unfortunately not all women can use them (endometriosis and certain uterine conditions can make it impossible or dangerous). Some women simply don’t feel comfortable with the idea of a cup, so Snappies is a solution for this. Of course, Snappies can be used as extra protection against leakages, instead of using regular pads.
You told Happening in Malta you are going global with Snappies. What are your hopes for the future?
My hope is that everyone will find a product they like. I hope Snappies will be sold everywhere, giving an alternative to the pre-existing products already on the market.
How will your product improve the lives of women in developing countries?
I am in contact with associations in order to eventually give a percentage of the profit from Snappies to girls who don’t have access to pads. Unfortunately in certain parts of the world this translates to girls not being able to attend school or work, and as a woman I believe this shouldn’t be happening in 2020. All girls should have access to items that make their period a less traumatic experience, since nobody is a fan of it to start with!
Apart from the time you spend on the development of Snappies, what are you currently focusing on?
My shop, of course, as Christmas is closer than we think. I’m also working on different projects and product development regarding organic and plastic free projects. Soon I will be launching a completely plastic-free website, and I recently developed an amazing chocolate spread with my own recipe… stay tuned!
How are you planning to bring Snappies the Maltese market?
ZAAR offers the possibility to pre-order Snappies at a very convenient price. We will use the fund to then start the first production. Once in my hands, the products will be shipped directly to the clients. I am extremely excited!
If you are as passionate about sustainability as Sara (and us!), have a look at http://www.zaar.com.mt/projects/snappies-reusable-pads/ to pre-order or fund the Snappies revolution.