A new sanitary product created by a woman for women has launched a campaign on Malta’s online crowdfunding platform, ZAAR.
Answering the call by women everywhere for a fully sustainable, practical alternative to single-use pads, Snappies is an innovative new sanitary product created by Sonia Sano Suraci, owner of Malta’s environmental and organic shop Ħames Sensi.
“Snappies are reusable pads that look similar to the winged single-use pads – with a big difference,” explains Ms Sano Suraci. “They are easy to use and change, guaranteeing safety against leaks through the use of plastic snap-on buttons instead of glue. These buttons prevent the pads from moving around, unlike the reusable pads that are currently on the market. The pads allow you to remain in the same underwear, simply snapping on a new, clean Snappies pad when necessary and sealing the used one in a wet bag to be washed at home. With Snappies, I have not invented reusable pads – I have redesigned them to create a product that is impeccable.”
Although Snappies share the convenience afforded by single-use pads, they are far more safe, reliable and sustainable. Made from organic cotton, Snappies feature a silver anti-bacterial lining, are leak-proof and comfortable – and they can significantly reduce waste by lasting five years or more, saving the equivalent of 1500 single-use pads or an average of €650 over that time.
“Currently, reusable pads are expensive and designed in a way that doesn’t always guarantee safety, practicality or ease of use,” continues Ms Sano Suraci. “Periods are natural, yet most women are very conscious of them. They fear leaking in public or using products that are bleached or made with plastic materials that could harm their body or threaten their reproductive health. Women have been paying a high price, both health-wise and environmentally – and it’s time for that to change.”
The crowdfunding campaign on ZAAR, which has a total funding goal of €25,000, aims to raise the funds needed to complete the development, production and marketing of the first batch of Snappies to a global audience.
And this innovative product, with sufficient funding, has the potential to change the lives of women in developing countries too, as Ms Sano Suraci highlights. “We will be using the funds raised to produce and deliver the reusable pads and underwear sets that have been pre-booked. Any extra funding received we hope to use to help women and girls who cannot afford or do not have access to sanitary products, particularly in developing countries, by donating to the relevant organisations.”
Apart from the satisfaction of helping women everywhere and contributing to stopping period poverty around the world, campaign backers can also expect some attractive rewards depending on the amount donated.
For every pledge above €5, backers will receive a personal thank you email as a token of appreciation. For a €70 donation, the sponsor will receive the One-Dayer early bird package including one pair of underwear, one small pad and two medium pads, all at a 30 per cent discount on retail price and with shipping included. Without the early bird offer, the One-Dayer Kit is then available for a €80 contribution and with a 20 per cent discount. The Doubled Kit, featuring a two-day set with two pairs of underwear, two small pads, four medium pads and two large pads, is available at a 40 per cent discount with the early bird offer for a donation of €120, and with a 30 per cent discount with a contribution of €140 beyond.
The Eco-Queen complete set including three pairs of underwear, three small pads, six medium pads and three large pads is available with a 40 per cent discount with a €180 donation in an early bird offer, while it will later be available with a 40 per cent discount for a donation of €210.
Retailers and sponsors of the project will also be handsomely rewarded. For a donation of €400 to the campaign, retailers will receive Snappies products of their choice worth a total of €800, as well as a mention on the website. With a donation of €500, sponsors will earn a spot on the dedicated sponsor list on the Snappies website and social media – forever.
“With your open heart, helping hand and generous donation, you will have the chance to be the first to try this amazing new product,” concludes Ms Sano Suraci. “Together, we will be the pioneers of a revolution that promises to change women’s lives the world over.”
Visitors are invited to donate to the Snappies crowdfunding campaign on ZAAR at www.zaar.com.mt/projects/snappies-reusable-pads.